Hacking Calories

Disclaimer:  I’m not a nutrionist or certified health professional.  This is what worked for me and people asked to share it.  It may work better, worse, or entirely different for you.  On the flip side, I have been exercising/working out consistently for the past 10 years.  I also used to train for powerlifting, then bodybuilding and the best appetite suppressant pills to help with my weight.


As an entrepreneur, you gain weight.  It sucks.  You’re stuck behind a computer most of the day and you’re often eating more than you should.  Stress also adds to your weight.  Jason Nazar, CEO of DocStoc, talks about it here.  Growing up I was always in great shape via training hard and maintaining low body fat (usually 5% or so).  So over the past 2-3 years, while running Publictivity I gained more weight than I should have.  I wasn’t fat by any means, but I wasn’t in the shape I once was. You should use cbd store, CBD stands for саnnаbіdіоl оіl. It іѕ uѕеd tо treat dіffеrеnt symptoms even thоugh its uѕе іѕ rаthеr controversial,  Thеrе іѕ аlѕо ѕоmе соnfuѕіоn as tо hоw еxасtlу thе оіl аffесtѕ оur bоdіеѕ. In early June, I decided I needed to do something about this.  The problem was weight and I need a solution- loss of that weight.  I sat down and thought about losing weight, the same way one might go about building a web app or company.  You take it piece by piece and have a solid strategy to make it happen that adds up.  Leave nothing to chance.  I started out at about 188 pounds and 33 days later I was down to 172 pounds. Update: 50 days later or so and I’m down 25 pounds to 163. Update 2: Exactly 2 months since I started.  Down exactly 30 pounds to 158. Final Update: 138 pounds by Late September. Here’s a quick overview of what I did.

 Benefits of THC

THC is used medicinally to relieve symptoms of certain conditions. But, because cannabis is federally illegal in the United States, research on THC is significantly limited. Then, I decided to start trying CBD products with low levels of THC. I also began a new health regimen involving a plant-based diet, intermittent fasting, and exercise, review the top rated testosterone boosters for you. I started taking supplements that research suggests can naturally boost testosterone levels and regulate hormones.

“Most of the clinical data we have is anecdotal evidence or evidence from practitioners in states where they allow medical marijuana,” says Amol Soin, MD, the medical director of the Ohio Pain Clinic and member of the Ohio Medical Marijuana board. “Marijuana is a [DEA] schedule one substance, which eliminates the ability to do a lot of clinical trial work.”

Here are some of the emerging benefits, researchers have found so far:

1. Alleviates pain

Chronic pain relief is the most common reason why people seek medical cannabis. A large 2015 systematic review evaluated cannabis studies in patients with chronic pain and found THC increased the odds for pain improvement by around 40%. Visit https://thedartco.com/collections/best-weed-pipes for more information about the best pipes.

While clinical trials support the use of cannabis for chronic pain, researchers agree more studies are needed to determine what doses, forms, and combinations of cannabinoids are most therapeutic for chronic pain patients.

2. Reduces nausea from chemotherapy

Two oral THC-containing drugs — nabilone and dronabinol — have been available for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting for more than 30 years.

A small 2010 study of chemo patients found those who took a THC-containing medicine in combination with standard treatment experienced stronger protection against nausea and vomiting than patients who received the standard treatment alone.

3. Reduces muscle spasms in paraplegics

Studies suggest THC products can modestly reduce muscle spasms, a common symptom experienced by people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and paraplegia.

In fact, a large 2015 systematic review concluded that THC used in combination with other cannabinoids improved self-reported muscle spasms more than a placebo, although the difference was not statistically significant.

4. Improves sleep 

Sleep disturbances are typical in people living with health problems like MS and chronic pain. Studies in these groups show THC products can improve short-term sleep problems, reduce sleep disturbances, and decrease the time it takes to fall asleep. However, it’s unclear whether the THC directly affects sleep quality or whether sleep is improved because chronic symptoms were reduced.

Most Important Fact- There are 3,500 Calories in a pound.

Part One- Calculate Your BMR

Your BMR is your Basal Metabolic Rate (IT IS NOT BMI).  That means, it tells you how many calories you burn per day if you just sat in bed the entire day.  It varies upon age, weight, height,etc.  You can calculate it here.  For example at 5’7, 188 pounds and 23 years old, I had a BMR of 1931 calories per day.  That means my body is at a bare minimum burning 1,931 calories per day.  Let’s venture out and guess that we’re not vegetables, so we’ll use 2,000, which is probably a little bit low.  That’s our starting number 2,000 calories.  Think of it like accounting,  each calorie burned is an asset to losing weight, therefore a debit.  You start the day with an asset of 2,000. It has been proven that hydrogen water works better for nutrient absorption avoiding fat retain on the human system

Part Two- Integrate Exercise and Walk as Much as You Can

Exercising is important (diet is too, goin to try the Aaptiv diet next).  Not only does it increase calories burned a day, but it makes you feel great.  I had always worked out, so that wasn’t an issue.  Usually 4-5 days a week.  I’d run a 5k + lift weights.  That was an okay regimen.  For the diet I increased my exercising to the following plan:

  • Run a 5k every single day.  No days off at all.
  • Lift weights 4 days a week.  24 sets (each body part (6) * (4) sets ==24).  Also did abs
  • I started adding in 20 minutes on the eliptical.  This adds an extra 200 calories per day.

Also walk to as many places as humanly possible.  I would venture to say that through exercising and actively walking as much as I could, I burned at least an extra 500 calories.  So let’s add that to our BMR:

+   2,000 calories (BMR- what you would burn regardless)
+   500 calories (working out)
== 2,500 calories as an asset so far

Work supplements should be chosen carefully as they shape and tone your body by influencing your workout results. So, if your objective is to just build muscle, you need to look into workout supplements, such as prohormones, testosterone boosters, whey protein and creatine. However, muscle building workouts don’t just look into building muscles, they also stress on losing fat. Supplements that can help you burn fat are appetite supplements, carb blockers, fat-burners and stimulant-free products. You can find this information about crazy bulk can be found here.

Protein supplements are used by body builder because of their ability to enhance muscle. Body builders take protein supplements primarily because they are so effective in improving sports performance. Workouts are bound to induce stress because of the need to achieve desired results. Intake of protein supplements helps to bring down the stress factors. Cortisol is a hormone that gets aggravated by stress, which is a negative factor because it destroys muscles, which workouts are actually aiming to enhance. Protein supplements reduce cortisol, thus aiding muscle building by bringing down muscle destruction.

Part Three- Dieting.  The really really hard part.

This is what takes the most discipline and science.  It eats away from your assets and even the simplest things bring unwanted calories.  That candy bar? yeah, 350 calories.  Large fries? 600 calories.  Can of soda? 170 calories.  First off, set your caloric intake to something low.  I went extremely low, and I would not recommend this to anyone who hasn’t dieted/exercised competitively before.  I set my intake to approximately 1,000 calories per day with 2 meals a day and small snacks in between.  My energy hasn’t decreased and I never feel like I’m depriving myself.  DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. The key is being smart as hell about your calories and doing your research.  It’s a numbers game folks.  To keep track of things get a calorie tracker on your iPhone or keep a spreadsheet on your computer.  Be religious and honest with it.  Some days you will go over, but do not make it a habit.  Here are the tips and guides i’ve used for dieting:

  • Don’t be a moron with calories and waste them.  Get sugar free pudding instead of that with sugar (100 vs 60 calories). Drink diet instead of normal soda (0 vs. 170).  Get small instead of large.  Do not waste your calories.
  • Research every product you buy.  Most calories counts are online.  You can also just look in the store.  Get the item with lower calories.  PERIOD.
  • You can still eat “shit”.  1 chicken strip at KFC? 100 calories.  Wendy’s hamburger? 230 calories.  Live in miami? Go to power pizza, where a slice has 220 calories. The key is to stick to the plain offerings without a lot of toppings and get smaller portions.  Don’t get bullshit like fries or milkshakes.  One milkshake would practically be 700-900 calories.  Toppings and crazy sauces are killer.  Remember: ITS A NUMBERS GAME.
  • Find lightweight snacks to get you through the day that can be portioned out right.  Pretzel sticks? 100 calories for 48 of them.  Flavoried rice cakes? 10 have 70 calories total. thats 7 calories each. Sugar free jello? 5 calories.  Fruit cups? 70 calories
  • Caloric drinks are the biggest waste.  They’re like buying spinning rims when you’re broke.  Even gatorade is 125 calories a bottle.  Soda at 170. Vitamin water at 150,etc.  Get the lower calorie versions.  Gatorade G2, Vitamin Water 10, Coke Zero, and just plain old water.  2 sodas a day and a gatorade during a workout equals close to 400 wasted calories.  Do that over a month and we’re talking 12,000 calories aka almost 4 pounds.  It’s just a numbers game.
  • What about partying/drinking?  Good news is, you won’t have to drink as much.  Bad news is, the fun drinks are off the table.  Drink light beer.  MGD 64 is great with only 64 calories.  Wine has about 100 calories a glass.  If doing hard liquor, mix it with diet coke or something similar.  A shot of vodka is about 100 calories.  Frozen daquiris and things like that are off the table.  Sorry folks.

+   2,000 calories (BMR- what you would burn regardless)
+   500 calories (working out)
–   1,000 calories spent via eating
== a net gain of 1,500 calories that can be lost per day.

Divide 3,500 (remember that’s one pound) by 1,500 (your net gain of calories to spend on weight loss) and you get approximately 3 pounds burned per week or one pound every 2.333 days.  It will vary, but that’s a good rule of thumb to go by with my calculations.

Part Four- Supplements

Be careful here, really careful.  There’s so much shit on the market.  People often take things they don’t need.  One of my best friends is professionally educated in this field and recommended to me vitex and VPX Meltdown.  That’s the only reason I take it. For other supplements i go to a site and you can also get info. Go and find out here.  It increases metabolism, which helps my body deal with a lower caloric intake.  By taking this, my metabolism does not slow down due to a lower caloric intake.  Other than a simple weight loss supplement like fat burners that you can find here (you can’t get it, but even if you could Ephedra is bad news), the only other thing you should take is a multi vitamin.  If you’re older, supplements might be a bad idea for your heart.  Please be careful here folks and don’t go on a shopping spree at GNC just because you picked up a magazine with tons of ads promising the world.  It’s hard work, being smart about what you eat, and exercise that burns calories… not chemicals in a bottle.

CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol. It has been used by people for a long time and helps to get rid of the symptoms of many common ailments. Recently it was found that a number of common problems such as lack of cognitive abilities, mental disorders, anxiety, and both internal and external pain can be relieved by the use of CBD in any form. CBD is extracted from the marijuana plant but it is not psychoactive in nature due to the absence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Many consumers prefer the use of CBD oil over normal medications due to its quick impact and fast recovery from the troubling symptoms. One can Buy Redcon1 total war for the preworkout supplement.

How does CBD get to work? The body of humans contains a large network of constituent receptors, the system of endocannabinoids, which is critical to maintaining the overall wellness, along with helping the support systems for many of the physical processes in our body. Cannabinoids and CBD fit inside these receptors that help the human body with its efforts in maintaining good health.

The number of people who are fighting the losing battle with obesity in America is constantly rising. More than 30% of all adults in the United States are obese. There are many people looking for a weight loss solutions, which is why there are so many turning to various weight loss supplements to help them lose the excess pounds they are carrying around. Taking a Sunergetic Products Quercetin Bromelian Supplement is a good idea for some people, especially those having health risks that are often associated with obesity. It is, however, important to understand that supplemental pills are not a magical cure. Taking a diet pill alone will not solve the problem of obesity.

Available Supplements for weight reduction

With a variety of diet supplements available that can assist with weight loss it is important to know what you are looking for. There are supplements made for men, women, young people, older people, and many other varieties made to improve health and quality of life. In the category of weight loss there are over 50 supplements available. Some of the popular ingredients in weight loss drugs include caffeine, ginseng, apple cider vinegar, hydroxycitric acid and chromium. Since there is such a wide variety of ingredients in a supplements there is always something for everyone.

Weight loss drugs are separated into several categories; each category has its own way to eliminate fat. These are a few of the possible categories of supplemental drugs that you might have come across if you were looking for a weight loss supplement.

– Carbohydrate Metabolism Modulation — Chromium and Ginseng are in this group of weight loss supplements. These ingredients help to modulate carbohydrate metabolism and deal with chromium deficiency.

– Increasing Fat Oxidation or Reducing Synthesis of Fat — Ingredients in supplements that actually help the body to oxidate fat or reduce the synthesis of fat in the body. These ingredients include green tea, hydroxycitric acid, licorice, pyrucate, and Vitamin B5.

– Increasing the Energy Used — Some weight loss supplements work by increasing the body’s energy expenditure. These supplements include; Country Mallow, Guarana, Ephedra, Caffeine, Yerba mate, and Bitter Orange.

In Closing

For the tenth time- it’s a numbers game.  The formula is simply this:

3500 / ((BMR+Calories burned due to exercise)-(Daily caloric intake) ) = Amount of days it will take to burn a pound.

I hope this helps as a simple guideline.  Find what works best for you.  Start simple and develop a plan that isn’t too drastic, otherwise you won’t stick to it.  Be realistic, and scale up.  Feel free to email me questions: j@jasonlbaptiste.com